No Rest for a Third Year

I decided to come back to Nottingham early, 
partly because of the mountain of work I needed to 
get on with partly because I needed to get away 
from the parents!
These are what Ive been making so I could get 
on with enamelled them on monday. They haven't
 been cleaned as I don't have a pickler at home yet.
Im quite pleased with them but shall have to see 
have well the enamel sits on the curves.

Slight bit of procrastination occurred in the form of this cute little silver ring.
I made these using some off cuts of silver I had left :) 
I love how cute and dainty it is!

About Me

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3rd Year Decorative Arts Student Aspiring Jeweller and Enamellist. My works are for sale, So please get in touch! Metal work, Drawings, 3D. Contact:

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