Carole Tanenbaum

After spending a lot of time looking for the 
necklace Ashely Roberts wore on sunday, 
I finally found it!

Its by Carole Tanenbaum Specialising in 
Vintage pieces and I love This!

Time for maquettes Tuesday

Today I had a workshop free day and spent it making
macquettes in the studio instead as I had a mini
light bulb idea yesterday after a very productive
tutorial and wanted a trial run first in card.

I was inspired by what Ashley Roberts wore on 
Dancing on Ice on Sunday
(unfortunatly Ive searched google and cant find a photo)

Mondays work

So here is what I did with the pieces I cut out on Friday.
I annealed them, then shaped them over various stakes, pickled them and cleaned them up with the wire brush and then began enamelling! 

These have 2 coats of white (not quite finished yet)

This pieces has 2 coats of white and 3 or 4 coats of blue.
I was looking to create an ombre effect which I think has worked quite well.

This is what I image the piece to look like when finished!

Friday 11th A Day Inside

Here is my mini studio in my flat. Its out of the way of the bedrooms as I make too much noise with music, 
hammers and saws. Its a bit of a mess and 
I need to have a clear up of things.
(I was having a make up free day)

We had the girls over today for a business plan day.
we drink way too much tea! It seems to be the only thing that gets us through our work. 
The biscuits are curtesy of my nan :)

I wanted to get these pieces cut out before monday so I could start with them in the workshop whilst the kiln is heating up. Ive got a vauge idea about what they'll end up like but we'll see.

This week In Photos

So I've been a little crappy with blogging this week so I've decided to do a overall summary of my week in photo form!
Ive been in uni pretty much all week doing enameling.
the only problem is my kiln takes 2-4 hours to get to firing temperature, which is an absolute pain as I end up losing motivation by the time is ready.
Ive mainly been sampling some new enamels I bought over christmas.I think they are here different to the original ones i bought and don't seem to fire as well, so I'm in the midst of trying to get them right!

Tuesday afternoon
This is my little space in the metal workshop 

My ever so messy studio space in uni.
attempting to do work with a hangover on Thursday
 (hence the Mcdonalds, first one of 2013 so i don't feel too bad)

 The one that looks pink, is supposed to be 'orange' I say supposed to be but I've yet to actually have one come out orange. Its also hasn't fired properly as it has an orange peel texture to it.
The green one also hasn't fired to the right colour and should be more like a teal?

 This was my attempt at stencilling. It looks quite interesting, I think I need to make better stencils though as this one was a bit rough.

Patterns and Prints!

Enamelling is what I'm concentrating on this year (bit silly starting something new in 3rd year but hey ho!)

I wanted to look into patterns or prints I could create using enamel so Ive been looking for future s/s13 patterns and prints.
Here are a few photos of patterns and prints from my own wardrobe.

2013 The Resolutions

So one of my New years resolutions is to blog more.
Ive decided to document my third and final year of university through my blog and share all my work here.
All of what you will see over the next few months will be the trials, struggles and outcomes of my work in an attempt to achieve a decent degree and set myself up 
for the big wide world of adulthood!

About Me

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3rd Year Decorative Arts Student Aspiring Jeweller and Enamellist. My works are for sale, So please get in touch! Metal work, Drawings, 3D. Contact:

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