Friday 11th A Day Inside

Here is my mini studio in my flat. Its out of the way of the bedrooms as I make too much noise with music, 
hammers and saws. Its a bit of a mess and 
I need to have a clear up of things.
(I was having a make up free day)

We had the girls over today for a business plan day.
we drink way too much tea! It seems to be the only thing that gets us through our work. 
The biscuits are curtesy of my nan :)

I wanted to get these pieces cut out before monday so I could start with them in the workshop whilst the kiln is heating up. Ive got a vauge idea about what they'll end up like but we'll see.

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3rd Year Decorative Arts Student Aspiring Jeweller and Enamellist. My works are for sale, So please get in touch! Metal work, Drawings, 3D. Contact:

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