The Perfect Sunday

I had my first sunday off in ages so I roped my dad in to helping ( when I say help I mean he did it all under my guidance) 
make my displays for the Arts Market. 
It was such a nice day on sunday we got the shorts 
on and got to work 
(please excuse my dads dodgy sock/flipflop combo he's not aware this photos online haa)

There aren't quite finished as they need sanding and Im unsure whether Im going to spray paint them the same colour as my branding, like a minty green, not sure if it will look to much or to just keep them as they are and varnish them?

Im really pleased with my dads handy work and I hope my stall will look good and lots of people will buy!

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3rd Year Decorative Arts Student Aspiring Jeweller and Enamellist. My works are for sale, So please get in touch! Metal work, Drawings, 3D. Contact:

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