So this isn't the most interesting post, but as I mentioned in my previous one my dad had a bit of a clear out in the shed and made some more room for me. I decided to give it bit of spring clean as there was filings, wire wool and sandpaper all over the place.
It actually took me a little longer than I expected. I sectioned everything so things have a place now.
My buffs, files and sandpaper together. The stamps and texturing hammers together. Ive got all my soldering tools in an area, and an area for forming with my mandrels, disc cutter and steel block.
I also gave my doming block a clean up as it had gathered a bit of rust over winter due to the cold/damp. I just got a wire brush over it and then took some wire wool to get in the domed bits.
I had a small set of drawers which have been left redundant for a while with no use. My silver box was full of bags of jump hoops and clasps etc so I labeled the drawers up and put them in so its easier to find, also easier to know when I need to replen on things!
Cleaning up my doming set
Forming area
Soldering Area
Cleaning Area
Labelling my drawers